Welcome to our website

Welcome to our website "Durka Durka and Cracker show" We are two guys that like to get together on the weekend, and drink to much beer and talk all kinds of shit. Durka Durka is the one of us that looks like a terrorist. Cracker is the one who looks like white bread. Together we drink a lot of beer and talk about nothing that really makes any true sense. But we are two really funny guys, but of course only in our opinion. If you have a sense of humor then you need to watch our web-shows. You will of course lose a few brain cells in the process, but we think you will get some serious laughs out of it. So enjoy our show and please join us on face book "cracker durka".

Visitor's notice

Treat yourself to watching two drunk dudes talk shit and drink too much beer. Leave your brain at home but don't forget your beer. Please watch while under the influence. (Drink heavily)


Visitors notice

02/26/2012 23:54
It is best to view our web show on our face book page "cracker durka" As we continue to drink we will contine to add more web shows. So sit back grab a beer and get ready to fart yourself silly from laughing too damn much! Also see us on Funny or die


Website launched

02/26/2012 23:53
Our new website has been launched today. We started our wedsite just because we are just too damned funny to keep it from the world. We felt it to selfish to keep it to ourselves.



Durka Durka and Cracker show

join us on face book "cracker durka"